On The Issues
Learn where I stand on the issues. If you have a question about a specific issue that is important to you, send me a message and I will respond back to you as soon as I can!

Strong Public Schools
Require accountability and transparency for any school receiving taxpayer funds
Eliminate high stakes testing
Raise teacher pay to at least the national average
Promote trades and workshare programs in high schools
Lower premiums and co-pays to ensure everyone has access to affordable insurance options
Lower the cost of prescription medications to ensure people do not go bankrupt for needing life-saving medications
Advocate to keep the VA Hospital in Fort Wayne open to maintain healthcare access for our veterans
Legalize marijuana to combat the opioid epidemic

Raise wages for all Hoosiers
Develop a paid family and medical leave plan to help employers pay their employees for needed time off Create a child care tax credit to subsidize the costs of child care for families
Promote and protect collective bargaining to ensure a safe and equitable workplace for all workers

Raise wages for all Hoosiers
Develop a paid family and medical leave plan to help employers pay their employees for needed time off Create a child care tax credit to subsidize the costs of child care for families
Promote and protect collective bargaining to ensure a safe and equitable workplace for all workers

Raise wages for all Hoosiers
Develop a paid family and medical leave plan to help employers pay their employees for needed time off Create a child care tax credit to subsidize the costs of child care for families
Promote and protect collective bargaining to ensure a safe and equitable workplace for all workers

Raise wages for all Hoosiers
Develop a paid family and medical leave plan to help employers pay their employees for needed time off Create a child care tax credit to subsidize the costs of child care for families
Promote and protect collective bargaining to ensure a safe and equitable workplace for all workers
Protect access of Hoosiers to contraceptives and comprehensive sex education
Protect right of pregnant people to make their own decisions regarding healthcare
Keep government out of healthcare decisions

Marijuana Legalization
We're losing tax dollars and Hoosiers to other states with better marijuana laws
Adults can make their own choices regarding their bodies
Legalize marijuana, make it safe, collect tax dollars to be spent on education and healthcare
Clear records of those charged and convicted of non-violent marijuana offenses
Housing and Food
Partner with rideshare companies for $1 rides to grocery stores in food deserts
Provide grants to turn vacant lots into community gardens or other beneficial community-based uses
Expand down payment and rent assistance
Use land banks to ensure new development without gentrifying neighborhoods